Cool Tech Girl

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008

Yes, Microsoft is releasing another version of these two biggie softwares. And they do have some real cool stuff. With .Net Framework 3.5, VS 2008 is just about to release. Apart from have Ajax version in there, the new VS will now have intellisense for Javascript...Yoohoo!! and better javascript debugging capability. Well, I just attended the DevConnections conference in Las Vegas and this is where I got a whole lot of information regarding the 2008 versions of these applications.
Even SQL Server will now have intellisense. Anything to make a programmer code faster. VS 2008 now also has something called LINQ that allows you to write SQL statements directly in code. I didn't pick up a whole lot on this issue. Not sure if I will be using it immediately.
I am actually looking forward to install the 2008 versions and play around in there.